Sisters of the Resistance
An Inside Look at the French Resistance in World War II
There was a time when the United States had better relations with France. The novel Sisters of the Resistance documents two sisters being recruited by Catherine Dior, the sister of fashion designer Christian Dior. Catherine worked for the French Resistance. She was a real person who earned honors for her bravery. Remember, France was occupied by the Nazis during the war.
           The two sisters are Gabby and Yvette Foucher. Despite them both being recruited, both have unique personalities. Gabby is more careful and works in the family business while Yvette is more adventurous and works for Christian by delivering clothes to clients. They have their own contributions to the cause. Yvette delivers coded messages for the Resistance. Gabby helps hide an injured British soldier who works for the Resistance. The novel takes place in both 1944 (during the war) and 1947 (after the war). One of the more interesting plot lines is Yvette’s relationship with an actress she delivers clothes to. The actress is having an affair with a German soldier, but confides in Yvette that she works for the Resistance. In 1947, this actress is arrested for collaborating with the Nazis. Yvette must decide if she is a collaborator or a spy.
           Given current events, it is somewhat painful to read when the sisters describe the Allies fighting. It is a reminder of the good that America has accomplished. This novel is also a needed reminder that high profile people in Hollywood and in other industries were more than willing to serve their country. Patriotism was very much in vogue. I highly recommend this novel and I believe the ending provides conclusions for both sisters that best suits them.