In the final installment of the Leah’s Garden series, both Larkspur Nielsen and Lilac Nielsen are facing their own romances. Lark and Issac McTavish have known each other for three years. And they are beginning to have strong feelings for one another. Their biggest obstacle is that Isaac does not stay in one place for a very long time. This is a problem for Lark; she needs to be able to rely on him and she has not been able to count on him, especially when he goes off and wonders to other places.
Lilac, on the other hand, has just broken off an engagement. She is content with her single life until she meets Sam Gubberud. She first meets him when Lilac is in Ohio helping her two brothers reopen the rebuilt grocery store. Sam has lost one of his arms in the Civil War. He struggles to live his daily life, but he is determined to be a school teacher. There is an opening for a teacher in Salton where the Nielsen sisters live in Nebraska. He applies for the job and is given the position. Throughout the novel, Lilac and Sam grow closer, but Lilac’s failed engagement raises doubts in the back of her mind about Sam. How does she know that Sam is the right man for her?
This was a nice conclusion to the four book series. One of the ongoing themes of the series is recovering from wounds. Many of the characters have sustained wounds from the Civil War, but others have received emotional wounds from a traumatic past. They all have to find a way to heal from these wounds if they ever want to move on with their lives. And that involves learning how to trust God.
I highly recommend this novel and the overall series.
Rating: 5/5
About the Author:
Lauraine Snelling is the award-winning author of about 100 books—fiction and non-fiction for both adults and young-adults. Lauraine’s books have sold more than 5 million copies. She lives in Techachapi, California.
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Next Novel to Review: The Marine’s Deadly Reunion